The Ugly Countenance

Allowing decency to dominate politics is a preferred way of seeking the nod of the people. This is more so when politicians are telling us that their programmes are the most effective in responding to the motley challenges confronting the nation.

Imagine therefore when such messages of hope for the future are underpinned by insults, insinuations and other negative expressions: such negativities present those transmitting them as persons who cannot really be entrusted with the destiny of the nation.

If they are already at the helm, their below average performance can be attributed to the unenviable mindset they tout.

It is usual for politicians to clash verbally across parties as they present their varying programmes and track records to the people to choose from. Such encounters must, however, be hinged upon decency without personal attacks: the opposite is however becoming a feature of politics in this country. For those restricted in their ability to do comparative analysis of politics across the world, they tend to think that politics is about such debasing conducts.

Politicians, when their parties are entrusted with the reins of authority to manage the affairs of the nation, will be expected to provide water, shelter and ensure the good health of the people among other features of modern societies, using prudently, the resources of the nation on behalf of the people to achieve the foregone.

The directive principle of state policy as enshrined in the constitution endorses this. The only difference between the varying parties is their approaches to the goal of achieving the wellness of the nation to ensure that each citizen is empowered with the means of getting their sources of livelihood. Taking the right decisions in the face of many options is one of the factors by which a government is rated.

The vision which each leadership is imbibed with is what sets it apart from others; the directive principle of state policy notwithstanding.

Many Ghanaians with rich and varied experiences spanning different parts of the world shy away from sharing their expertise with their compatriots.

Their fears are etched in apprehension of the usual negative reactions when their positions differ from others especially in the ruling party.

A few days ago, a minister of state, Nii Lante Vanderpuye, an MP, one who should exude a high sense of responsibility and deference worthy of emulation by the youth, went overboard.

He overstretched indecency when he said the leadership of the country is reserved for only tall persons, short Ghanaians therefore have no place in contributing towards national development.

Since when did the physique of individuals become a criterion for choosing the leadership of a country or institutions?

Perhaps the quality of the individual’s countenance should be another determinant according to the mindset of Nii Lante Vanderpuye, and the decency of their remarks.

If such a character is a minister we do not have to go far afield to determine why the challenges of the country are not responding to treatment. Even his face if off-putting! This man!

