Upper West Chiefs Laud Nana’s Efforts

President Akufo-Addo

President Akufo-Addo has been commended for implementing programmes and policies he promised during the 2016 campaign.

Speaking at the Wa West District on Monday where President Akufo-Addo commissioned the Wa Water Project, the Dolmon Naa, Wechiau Naa and other chiefs, expressed their delight for his leadership since he assumed the highest office of the land some nine months ago.

“You have begun the implementation of the good policies you promised Ghanaians in your manifesto, which have started yielding results for the good people of Ghana,” Dolmon Naa, Sohmwine Gore II, who spoke on behalf of the chiefs, said.

He said that the Wa West District has been the beneficiary of 47,000 bags of fertilizer through the fertilizer subsidy programme implemented by the Akufo-Addo administrations.

“This has made farmers expand their farm acreages since they could not afford to buy the fertilizer at the reduced prices. The expected annual yields of these farms are expected to double. Even though the fall army worm invasion has affected most farms, government’s intervention with chemicals for spraying has reduced the devastating effect on the crops,” he revealed.

Touching on the Free SHS policy, the Dolmon Naa, noted that the introduction of the programme “has come at a time when parents were finding it difficult to meet their children’s educational needs. The free SHS has brought a huge relief to us as parents, and we are grateful for that initiative.”

He said “we also want to thank government and express our gratitude for this huge edifice we are seeing today, the Wa Water Project. We understand that it is expected to supply millions of gallons of water daily to Wa Township and its environs.”

Meeting with House of Chiefs

Later in the day, President Akufo-Addo held a meeting with the Upper West Regional House of Chiefs.

The President of the House, Richard Babini Kanton IV, who is also the Chief of Tumu, reiterated the support of the House for government to enable it implement its policies and initiatives to propel the development of Ghana.”

The President of the House of Chiefs added that “the government’s commitment to the development of the country and its fight against corruption in the nine months of its tenure of office is reassuring.”

While touting the success of the ‘Planting for Food and Jobs,’ programme, the Tumu chief urged President Akufo-Addo to consider the “establishment of shea plantations under the ‘initiative.

“This could be a game changer for the North in the long run to stem the drift of the youth down South for non-existent jobs.”

The Regional House of Chiefs pledged to cooperate with government to maintain peace in their respective traditional areas.

“We know government cannot do it alone. We call on political parties, the media, Civil Society Organisations and Ghanaians, in general, to support government’s efforts, as it rolls out its programmes to improve the well-being of the population. There may be teething problems in the implementation processes. But let us hold on and hold out, for I believe there are better days ahead,” Richard Babini Kanton IV, said on behalf of his colleagues.


