Joy FM Hosts Family Party In The Park This Saturday

A Scene From Last Year’s Event

The much-anticipated Joy FM’s annual family event dubbed ‘Joy FM Family Party In The Park’ will take place this Saturday, December 23 at the Legon Botanical Gardens in Accra.

The event brings together families across the length and breadth of the capital for a healthy dose of family fun, good music, food and wide variety of games and activities.

On the day, families will take several exciting activities, including sharp brain contest, musical chairs, cooking challenge, treasure hunt, salsa dance competition, water run, I know my ward, I know my parents and a host of others fun contest.

Families who will throng the Legon Botanical Gardens for the ‘Joy FM Family Party In The Park’ will enjoy good music and a wide variety of games and activities.

“The year has been a stressful one and considering the hectic schedules of families, Joy FM is using this unique platform to destress families and also help build strong family ties, organisers disclosed.

They added, “The station always has the family at heart and believes that the Joy FM Party In The Park is yet another unique platform for the family to bond.”

Ruby Helegbe, a sales executive at Joy FM, assured families that “there is security on the ground and we have various experienced people among the team that have stationed to take care of the kids. We want this to be a pre-Xmas party for the whole family…so it’s a huge platform for families to come and bond together and relive those great family moments.”

Tickets for the event, GH¢25 for a family of six, are on sale at the front desk of Joy FM.