Nsawam Prisons Cries For Ambulance

Assistant Director of Prisons (ADP) Owusu Amponsah, Second-In-Command of the Nsawam Medium Security Prisons, has appealed to the public to support the facility with an ambulance to help convey sick inmates to the hospital.

According to ADP Amponsah, the prison is also in need of essential drugs and other teaching and learning materials to enhance effective rehabilitation of inmates.

He made the appeal when a team from Prisons Fellowship Ghana and Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) visited the facility to donate assorted items to the inmates over the weekend.

He stated that the Nsawam Prison is the most populated prison in the country housing an average of 3,500 inmates, thereby, putting a lot of pressure on the facility.

The Executive Director of Prisons Fellowship Ghana, Emmanuel Offei Kwafo, was hopeful the donation would go a long way to ease the burden of the management in the interim.

“As Christians, we are enjoined by our faith to show generosity to those in need – the poor, the suffering and the socially disadvantaged,” he added.

Mr Offei Kwafo pointed out that they have made several donations to prisons across the country quarterly to aid the reformation of prisoners and their integration into the society.

The Chaplain of the Nsawam Prisons, Rev Martin Padi, who received the assorted items, thanked Prisons Fellowship Ghana for the gesture and called for public assistance to help improve conditions there.

FROM Daniel Bampoe, Nsawam


