NPP Tasks African Leaders To Fight Corruption

John Boadu

THE RULING New Patriotic Party (NPP) joined the rest of Africa yesterday, May 25, to celebrate this year’s African Union (AU) Day, with a call on leaders across the continent to commit themselves to the fight against corruption.

In a statement issued by its Acting General Secretary, John Boadu, the NPP indicated that it has become necessary for African leaders to renew their fight against the canker of corruption.

That, according to the party, is because corruption “has gained serious notoriety and proven to be the greatest threat to the development of the continent.”

The party explained in the statement, “It is against this backdrop that the 2018 AU Day, which also happens to be the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Union, is anchored on the theme, ‘Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation.’”

It stressed, “This is ostensibly, to bring to the fore, the urgent need for Africans to commit themselves to fighting this deleterious canker of corruption in order to salvage the continent.”

According to the NPP, “It is gratifying however, that, in Ghana, our government, under the able leadership of His Excellency President Akufo-Addo, has shown and continues to manifest significant commitment to fighting corruption in the country through legislative reforms and pragmatic actions geared at making corruption an unattractive enterprise for all.”

It expressed the hope that other African leaders and governments would emulate the good examples of Ghana, so that together, they could kick out corruption from the continent or significantly reduce the menace.

Meanwhile, the party has also called on Africans and African governments to reaffirm their support and commitment to the very ideals underpinning the formation of the African Union.

It paid glowing tributes to the founding fathers of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) – which has metamorphosed into the AU.

It concluded, “Finally, the NPP extends its best wishes to all Africans as we commemorate this historic day and also calls on Ghanaians in particular, to actively take part in activities earmarked by the Foreign Affairs Ministry to climax the day.”

BY Melvin Tarlue
