Dr. Elikem Tamaklo in front of the health hub with staff of Nyaho Medical Centre
Nyaho Medical Centre has opened an in-house medical facility that will provide preventive medical care to clients using a new technology called the DNA Fit.
The facility, ‘Health Hub’, located at the premises of the Nyaho Medical Centre, Airport Residential, will provide clients with medical guidelines and healthcare on living the right lifestyles according to one’s genetic system, using the DNA Fit technology.
The DNA Fit is a UK-based health technology that gives clients, health and diet guidelines essential for their well-being based on analysing their DNA.
Interacting with the media and stakeholders, Dr Elikem Tamaklo, managing director of the centre, said the centre has partnered with health institutions from Hong Kong and Canada to provide assistance on testing DNA Fit by collecting and transporting some samples of particles from the clients’ mouth to these institutions.
He explained that results from the DNA Fit, which show the genetic profile of the client, would determine what foods a person should take and the activities a person should indulge in to stay fit and healthy.
“I did it and was told if I take in carbohydrate, I will gain weight and if I take in cholesterol, I will not gain weight because I have enzymes that are capable of breaking down cholesterol. I also found out caffeine isn’t bad for me, however, it increases blood pressure and heart beat in some people,” Dr. Tamaklo explained.
With the terms of payment at the facility, Dr Tamaklo revealed that the cost involved in testing for one’s DNA Fit and other services that are associated with it is at approximately between $250 and $270.
He, however, mentioned that that the centre is working together with telecos and financial institutions to give clients who are unable to pay instantly to spread their payment within 12 months, as they want many people to access and benefit from their services.
Nana Pokua Appafram, human resource director of the centre, added that making simple changes could make a big difference in one’s life, including empowering people to take active roles in their health, which could significantly help to reduce healthcare cost.
She explained that the hub would give clients reasons to live in particular ways when it comes to what they engage in and what they do with their bodies in order to live longer as they follow experts’ advice.
By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri