Community Of Crabs


Our society today resembles the community of crabs. In that community, nobody makes progress and those who make the efforts must be pulled down and destroyed.

And they describe them as “PhD” holders, otherwise referred to as having the “pull him down” attitude.

That is what our country is presently, where a section of politicians, especially the opposition NDC and its leader, John Mahama behave like “Konongo kaya” who have made it their priority to derail every step by the NPP government to develop the country.

These people act like the serpent, who represent temptation, the devil and deceit, which is characteristics of the lame agenda to discredit the Attorney General, Godfred Yeboah Dame.

The experience of Attorney General Dame should provide useful lessons to all appointees of President Akufo-Addo to be wary of NDC members, even those who are their friends.  For the sake of power, the NDC and its leader are ready to twist the facts. Attorney General Dame and his colleagues in government, we say a word to the wise is in a judge’s residence (oh sorry, is enough.)

We have always cautioned the NPP government to always “shine its eyes” when dealing with the NDC. How can a political party like the NDC desperate for power to protect the public purse defend Ato Forson for the reckless use of state funds to import “adakato” ambulances?

And is Asiedu Nketia telling the people of Ghana that Ato Forson discharged his duties as a Deputy Finance Minister in the purchase of the ambulances that have been found not to be fit for purpose?

The NDC and its leader John Mahama think that Ato Forson was being persecuted for political reasons and are suggesting that the prosecution be halted. The NDC does not believe in accountability and anytime they are caught in the corruption web, they seek escape routes like what they are doing now to gain public sympathy.

If the NDC thinks that Ato Forson is not guilty in wasting over two million euros on “adakato” ambulances, Asiedu Nketia should allow the court to make a determination instead of the NDC clutching on a straw like evidence of the “doctored” tape it presented to the media last Tuesday.

This is a desperate move to save Ato Forson but we are sure such a scheme would not make any impact on the trial judge. Johnson Asiedu Nketia should seek legal advice from seasoned legal brains like Tsatsu Tsikata to avoid embarrassing himself like he faced at the Supreme Court during John Mahama’s election petition in 2021.

The tendency of the otherwise “old man” to abandon the wisdom of old age for the advice of the infantile Sammy Gyamfi would expose him to public ridicule sooner than later.

Common sense should direct Johnson Asiedu Nketia and the NDC to seek the jurisdiction of the General Legal Council if they feel strongly that Godfred Yeboah Dame has breached the professional ethics by meeting with an accused person in the ambulance case, Richard Jakpa, who he met in the house of a Supreme Court judge.

The issues raised by the NDC at the press conference can in no way affect the evidence and facts of the ambulance case. The NDC must stop taking Ghanaians for granted and call a spade a spade.

Those who abuse the public purse such as in the case of Sedina Tamakloe, the MASLOC boss under John Mahama, must be made to face the music.

The NDC should stop the propaganda and its attempt to smear the Attorney General so that the law will take its cause in the case involving Ato Forson. Our courts are not kangaroo courts, and if the evidence does not find Ato Forson guilty, he would be set free just as some other NDC elements were acquitted and discharged for lack of evidence. However, we think the experiences of the ambulance case would help Godfred Yeboah Dame and the NPP to redefine the relations with the NDC.

