Unfazed Martin Amidu Fires Back At Speaker Bagbin, RefusesTo Apologise


Former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu has sternly rebuffed Speaker of Parliament Alban S.K. Bagbin’s demand for an apology, standing firm on his statements and dismissing the request within seven days.

Embroiled in a contentious exchanges, Mr. Amidu expressed his reluctance to retract remarks made in his earlier article despite the call from Speaker Bagbin. In response to the Speaker’s specified ultimatum, Mr. Amidu did extend an apology for a minor typographical error while maintaining the integrity of his critical assertions.

The saga unfolded following Mr. Amidu’s publication which highlighted alleged questionable activities involving the National Democratic Congress (NDC), its 2024 flagbearer, and the national chairman.

Speaker Bagbin, firmly denying any engagement with President Akufo-Addo in Dubai in 2021 as indicated by Mr. Amidu’s claims, emphasized the baselessness and malice behind such assertions in a comprehensive rebuttal through his Communication Unit.

Stressing Speaker Bagbin’s unblemished history of public service and commitment to Ghana’s welfare, the statement underscored his unwavering dedication amidst what was deemed unfounded attacks.

Mr. Amidu appears resolute against the pressure to succumb to apologies, taking a defiant stance in his subsequent article dated May 29.

Challenging Speaker Bagbin to pursue legal actions if he feels defamed, Mr. Amidu invited a courtroom confrontation to bolster his contentions, asserting that the issues raised are grounded on public interest and accountability. With a steadfast defiance against calls for withdrawal or retraction, Mr. Amidu projects an unwavering resolve against perceived attempts to dilute his assertions through demands for apologies.

As tensions escalate between the figures involved in this unfolding saga, the fervor surrounding these verbal clashes underscores the clash of narratives and allegations shaping the political discourse.

By Vincent Kubi