The Political Scammer (1)


The people of Ghana do not only need to be rescued as being propagated by a political party and its allies. To be brutally frank, Ghanaians need discernment, especially in this election year.

It is generally held that for lack of knowledge the people perish. And before we are accused of blasphemy, whose punishment in the olden days was death, we must concede that, that quotation is grounded in scriptures.

It is not surprising that in this particular election year, one candidate, John Mahama and his NDC are engaged in what we call “promise-a-thon.” The speed of John Mahama’s marathon would amaze sprinters such as Usain Bolt and marathon runners in Ethiopia and Kenya.

When it comes to promises in Election 2024, John Mahama has taken an unassailable lead or to borrow the words of Koku Anyidoho, he is in “comfortable lead”. If that was not the case, how can the proposal by John Mahama for a 24-hour economic policy include the rearing of lions?

The garrulous Okudzeto Ablakwa considered to have no deficit in communication has so far been beating about the bush when pushed by media persons to explain the policy. The last time it was the NDC parliamentary candidate for Essikado Ketan who was caught dancing to the wrong beat when asked about the 24-hour economy.

The man who styles himself a General wearing smocks spotting talismans, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, exposed the hypocrisy of the NDC by his inability to explain the policy. The NDC is more confused about the ill-fated 24-hour economy more than the ordinary people they want to convince to buy into the rearing of lions.

Another character claiming to represent the NDC on UTV recently said 24-hour economy would impact on the television station as it can do political talk shows throughout the night, ignorant of the fact that radio and television networks run 24-hour services now.

We can forgive those ignoramus for their difficulty in explaining their own policies. However, we cannot forgive the Trades Union Congress (TUC) led by Dr. Yaw Baah for describing the 24-hour economy as a game changer.

We ask the TUC’s Secretary General, Dr. Yaw Baah whether the TUC has become the megaphone of the NDC going into Election 2024? Certainly, Dr. Baah is the spokesperson of the TUC but he cannot draw organised labour into the political arena by pronouncing on a policy he lacks the capacity to explain.

Since John Mahama announced the 24-hour economy in response to the challenge thrown by Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to the NDC flagbearer to name one policy initiative, he has demonstrated his lack of competence over public affairs beyond mere rhetoric.

So far, John Mahama’s campaign lacks substance and that is why up to now, there is no strategy as to how the 24-hour economy would be implemented. Any wonder, a communications team member in the Ashanti Region says the policy implementation would include turning Ghana into a lion’s den.

We have not minced words in reminding Ghanaians to be wary of John Mahama and his NDC’s “promise-a-thon” because he is likely to throw us into the lion’s den like was done to Daniel. In this instance, Ghanaians may not be lucky like Daniel who was delivered from the lion’s den by God because he was the servant of the living God.

Sometimes we wonder whether Ghana is in dire straits to the extent that the planned rescue mission must be considering putting our lives in peril by turning all forests into a lion’s den. How then would our farmers including the subsistence ones be able to access land in a secured environment to produce to feed us, our factories and for export?
