Female Cop Eyes Guinness World Record In Painting Marathon


Lance Corporal Pabby Saraphina, a talented police officer stationed at the Eastern Regional Police Headquarters in Koforidua, is on a mission to make history.

She has embarked on an incredible five-day painting marathon, aiming to set a new Guinness World Record.

Saraphina began her artistic odyssey on Monday and has already surpassed 43 hours of continuous painting, producing an astonishing 60 pieces of breathtaking artwork.
Her venue, situated behind the Police Church at Galway-Koforidua, has transformed into a vibrant art studio.

A visit to the scene by this reporter saw Lance Corporal Saraphina in her remarkable feat firsthand.

The sheer volume and quality of her artworks showcased her skills, creativity, and dedication.


When asked about her motivation, Seraphina revealed, “As a police officer and artist, I want to demonstrate that with determination and passion, anything is possible. I’m proud to represent Ghana and the Ghana Police Service on the global stage.”

The Ghana Police Service and the local community have rallied behind Saraphina, offering moral support and assistance.

Her colleagues and family members have been instrumental in keeping her energized and focused throughout the marathon.

-BY Daniel Bampoe
