Absa Bank New ICU Local Union Executives Inaugurated


The new executives in a group picture with members at the conference

The new executives of the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU) Local Union of Absa Bank Ghana have been sworn into office at the quadrennial delegates’ conference held in Accra.


The nine-member executives, were sworn into office by the ICU Deputy General Secretary in charge of Operations, Emmanuel Benimah and witnessed by the ICU Deputy General Secretary in Charge of Administration, Samuel Ananga, the ICU Chief Industrial Relations Officer, Maarku Vondee  among others.


The executives include Chairman, Brother Daniel Osei Adane, Vice Chairman, Brother William Aboagye, Secretary Brother Antwi TwumBarimah, Assistant Secretary, Sister Grace Bernice Nkrumah, First Trustee, Brother Kwabena Owusu Bempah, Second Trustee, Brother Kwadwo Barimah, Executive Member, Brother Stephen Yirenkye, Women’s Representative, Sister Stella Baaba Baah and Youth Representative, Brother Kwabena Ohemeng.


ICU General Secretary Brother Morgan Ayawine, speaking at the inauguration commended Absa Bank Ghana, for attaining the commendable milestone in its existence as a Local Union.


“For a local union to traverse and survive a quadrennial fraught with numerous challenges and come out unscathed is no mean achievement, and such has been the character and strength of the ICU Local Union of Absa Bank Ghana, for which your mother Union (ICU-Ghana), is most appreciative and gives you the thumbs up,” he said.


He said as the theme “The Bank’s Sustainability, The Union’s Concern” suggests, the essence and relevance of a union at the workplace is primarily to relate to and collaborate with the management of the organization for increased productivity and maximization of profit for the sustainability of the business.


Mr. Ayawine thus charged the local union to be circumspect, sincere and honest in their relationship with management so as to ensure a harmonious co-existence that would materialize in the achievement of organizational goals and the expectations of the Union for better conditions of service and job security.


He also charged the management not to side step the Collective Agreement and the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) in relation to their staff on any issue(s) concerning Conditions of Service and terms of employment and non-employment.


“In matters of discipline, grievances and disputes Management should not take unilateral actions, but conform to the dictates of the Collective Agreement and the Labour Act,” he said.


Mr. Ayawine also charged the new executives to tap into the experiences of their predecessors and the lessons learnt, to guide them in their relationship with social partners that would impact positively on organizational goals of the Bank.


By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri