Accra Airport Rotary Club Gets New President

Nana Gyamfi

Rotarian Nana Gyamfi has assumed office as the President of Rotary Club of Accra Airport (RCAA) District 9102, replacing his colleague Kofi Adu-Mensah.

Rotarian Gyamfi, who will serve as President for the year 2020/2021, in his acceptance speech, stated that or over a century, Rotary has served as an avenue of service to humanity and leadership development.

“In my time as a member of Rotary Club of Accra Airport, I have been given the opportunity to serve in various capacities and it has always been an honour to serve the club and humanity,” he recounted.

According to him, the year 2020/2021 will be a challenging one in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic but promised to do his best to help the club to do more for the poor.

“The club is celebrating 20 years of its existence and achievements. In this time, we must all be proud of the several service projects we have carried out to the benefit of our needy communities,” he said, adding that this is remarkable and could not have been done without your full participation, commitment and resources.

He expressed gratitude to the charter members of RCAA, who he said have worked tirelessly and continue to serve with zeal, noting that “Rotary is in their blood.”

“As I applaud you all, permit me to single out a major donor of our club. This member lives Rotary, thinks Rotary and makes it a point to attend meetings. Fellow Rotarians, let us applaud PAG Mercy Bannerman,” he said.

He recounted that the Rotary theme for the year 2019/2020 was ‘Rotary Connects’, adding that the theme for the year 2020/2021 is ‘Rotary Opens Opportunities / Doors’.

“The power to connect with our roots, heritage, tradition, humanity and our communities is the foundation of ‘Service Above Self’. Connecting with the youth will be the ‘seedlings’ we plant and nurture to replace the ‘old dying trees’.  It will be the opportunity to open doors for our Rotractors and Interactors to participate and serve with renewed energy and with innovative ideas. This is the vision of Rotary International. We must be revolutionary in our approach to the challenges ahead,” he said.


By Melvin Tarlue
