Angry Youth In Kyebi Zongo Lynched Gay Man, Still Hunting His Partner

A man believed to be a gay was lynched at his family residence in Kyebi Zongo in the East Akyim Municipal District of the Eastern Region.  The victim known as Ali Razak in his late twenties was lynched to death on Thursday 30th July, 2015.

This attacked occurred when some mobs in the Kyebi Zongo community find out from some traditional authorities that the victim was once caught red-handed by his then girl friend back in the late 2012 engaging in an unnatural sexual intercourse with same sex partner.

According to a reliable source, the vast number of people in that community attest to the fact that the two alleged homosexual men were truly seen in a photograph completely naked on bed.  This however led to the lynched of alleged homosexual Ali Razak by the angry mobs in that community.

In an interview with one of the attackers by name Nyame Beye, “Ali Razak deserved to be punished because we have seen a clear evidence of him sleeping with a fellow man; this is an act of evilness which we are against it and this unnatural culture shall never be accepted in Ghana”.

The man believed to be the victim’s gay partner called Alhassan Larry Umar who was known in the locality as a farmer is nowhere to be found.  According to some inhabitants, Mr. Alhassan has fled the country since late 2014 following the dispute between him and some “Galamsey” miners which also resulted in the murder of another young farmer, Sadik Ishak.  However, the angry youth have not given up in the hunting of the alleged homosexual partner and vowed to eliminate him from the society anytime they found him.

The tragedy has reached the community Police Station and in a conversation with the head of the Police “in a situation of this kind, it is difficult to pinpoint the assailants, because the general people are against such sexual misconduct, the best the Police can do is to arrest and detain the victim’s partner in order not for him to get lynched by the society” said the head of the Police.

In an interview with one of the renowned Islamic scholars, Sheik Habib Abdulai Abongo, had this to say, “The issue now is that both the victim and his alleged partner are all Muslims.  The Islam religion abhors to gaysm and lesbianism. “Same sex marriages” in fact is abomination for a Muslim to indulge him or her self in this satanic and devilish activity and the punishments which go with it are so severe ranging from corporal to capital punishment.  The highest of it form is death sentence and as such, the victim and his alleged partner ought to have known better before indulging themselves in such act”, by the Muslim Cleric in Kumasi.


