Appoint Women Into Governance Positions – Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah Tells Political Parties

Apostle General Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah


Founder and General Overseer of the Royalhouse Chapel International, Apostle General Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah, has called on political parties to nominate and appoint qualified and God fearing women into key governance positions.

Delivering a message in commemoration of Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 12, 2024, the Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah said such appointments should include the ticket of the presidency in the forth coming elections.

“Not only would this showcase Ghana on the global stage as a forward thinking nation, it would also break the glass ceiling for many young girls who need exemplary role models to push them forward to attain great heights,” he said.

He said the country in recent times has made great strides in recognizing the talents and potentials of women.

He said over the past two decades the country has had female leaders including Chief Justices, Electoral Commissioners, Speaker of Parliament, Vice Chancellors and other women rising up in Parliament, leading churches, creating industries and excelling in other hitherto male dominated areas.

“This is a sure sign and evidence that women are key players in every sphere of society,” he said.

The Apostle General used the platform to commend the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for selecting a woman, Professor Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang, as a running mate in the 2024 elections.

Citing examples from the Bible, Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah also noted, “Biblically, we see examples of great influential women such as Deborah, who was a wife, a prophetess and judge (Judges 4 and 5); Hulda, a prophetess who counselled kings (2 kings 22:13-20); and Queen Esther, who saved the Jews from total annihilation (the book of Esther).”

While acknowledging the achievements, the Apostle General urged decision makers to work harder to equalize the gender barometer by putting in positive systems and structures in both private and public sectors.

“Affirmative action is a must if we are to effectively eliminate systemic and cultural discrimination, remedy the past and prevent future occurrences of same. A quota system must be established to safeguard and grow the percentage of female presence in the public and private sectors,” he said.

Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah also raised concern the plight of many women who are caught up in abusive and degrading situations describing it as the most unfortunate in this generation of knowledge and enlightenment.

“I, therefore, take the opportunity to remind all men of this biblical mandate. I counsel all men to honour the women who support them to raise their families. We must follow the biblical mandate to love our wives as Christ loved the Church, to seek peace and to cherish the dignity and honour of womanhood,” he said.

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