Deputy Minister Inspects Drainage Systems

Dr. Prince Hamid Armah (left) inspecting some of the projects


The Deputy Minister of Works and Housing, Dr. Prince Hamid Armah, has assured that the ministry is committed to dealing with the perennial flooding in some parts of the country.

The Deputy Minister, who doubles as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Kwesimintsim in the Western Region, gave the assurance when he defied a downpour on Saturday and inspected some drainage facilities which are under construction in some flood-prone areas in the constituency.

Some of the projects inspected included the Racecourse storm drain, Apollo drainage site, Eyile storm drain, Evale storm drain and Adientem storm drain.

The rest included the Choice Mart to ‘I Adu’ drain, Choice Mart Bridge, Anaji Fie drainage, SSNIT Inner Roads, Whindo Bridge, and Nyamebekyere road among others.

He explained that as part of its mandate, the ministry has to come up with some measures to help solve the flooding problems in the country, including the improvement of the various drainage systems.

“Kwesimintsim Constituency happens to be one of the low lying areas in Western Region, and a flood-prone area.

“So I thought it wise to come home to where I represent the people in Parliament and as a newly sworn in Deputy Minister of Works and Housing, inspect some of the ongoing projects,” he stated.

He continued, “The President appointed me and has sworn me in as the Deputy Minister for Works and Housing.  God willing Monday, I will start my official duties,” he told his constituents.

The residents commended the MP for the good work he is doing, and assured him of their unflinching support to ensure he succeeds in his new office.

They were hopeful that with their MP as the Deputy Minister for Works and Housing, all the flooding problems in the constituency will be dealt with so that the area would be a flood-free constituency.


From Emmanuel Opoku, Kwesimintsim