Don’t Force Democracy On Africa – Mahama To The West

President John Dramani Mahama has appealed to the western countries to stop forcing democracy on Africa.

According to him, Africa like many other developed continents in the world made mistakes which they learnt lessons from before progressing hence Africa must be given same opportunity.

“Democracy is not a one size fits all system, different countries are at different stages of the democratic journey. Democracy evolves and cannot be forced on the people. It doesn’t help for biggest powers to go proselytizing democracy across the continent, it can have its negative consequences as we are experiencing in parts of North Africa and the Middle East, but still a properly functioning peer system can avoid some of the meltdowns we are experiencing in some African countries due to the desire to stay in office interminably.”

“The mistake with Africa is that we are seen as homogenous unit and treated as such not taking cognizance that we are a whole continent with different aspirations, different cultures, democracies and even economic development.  Human progress is not a seamless progress forward; it encompasses periods of reversal, mistakes, fumbling and even falling. All parts of the world have been through this, they have learnt from their mistakes, they’ve picked themselves up after a fall and they’ve continued moving forward. Africa must be allowed the same latitude,” he said while addressing the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly today, Wednesday.

President Mahama also said Africa has the potential of being the next fastest growing continent in the world hence must be given the opportunity.

He explained though the African continent has improved in several areas including governance, freedom of speech among others, surge in number of free media and civil society organizations a lot more can be done if African is given the space.

“Africa is a continent of 54 countries at different stages of progress and development and there must be room for us to make our mistakes and learn from those mistakes. Africa has the potential to be the next continent on the rise, there is a lot going for Africa.It has the fastest growing population, middle class, information and technology in the world.

– citifmonline