ECG Declares War On 29 Institutions Over GHS120m Debt

The Electricity Company of Ghana, ECG, has declared ‘war’ on some 29 private and public institutions that indebted to the power company to the tune of GHC120 million.

According to the ECG, the Institutions and individuals including some Members of Parliament may risk being disconnected from the national grid over failure to settle their bills.

The move is being undertaken by the National Disconnection Taskforce of ECG who are also looking out for meter bypass (illegal connections) which culminates in power theft that accrues to ECG’s lost revenues.

The affected institutions include the Ghana Airport, University of Ghana, Accra International Conference Center (AICC), Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), Butler Lines, Parliament, Economic and Organized Crime Office (EOCO), Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC), University of Professional Studies Accra (UPSA), Internal Audit Agency, Judicial Service, Kofi Annan Center of Excellence, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Information Services Department.

The rest are; Tech Age, Women and Gender Ministry, Sports Flood Lights, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Some of the institutions have more than one electricity meter, as some owe as much as about GHC45 million and have not shown any commitment despite receiving disconnection notices from ECG.

Already, the ECG since last week commenced the operations which they have disconnected some insitituions and subsequently reconnected after an agreement was reached on a payment schedule.

Reports gathered indicate that the Ministry Of Communications is owing an amount of GHC5,080752.37, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP owes GHC558014.13, NITA owes GHC1,543,113. 42, Internal Audit- GHC 545, 740.68, as the Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence is also owing an amount of GHC208,318.50.

Meanwhile, some private hostels in the UPSA enclave and a local eatery joint in East Legon have been disconnected over power theft.

-BY Daniel Bampoe
