GHACEM Foundation Invests GH¢16.8m

Nana Prah Agyensaim VI (left) hands over cement allocation chit to a representative of a beneficiary institution

The GHACEM Cement Foundation (GCF) has since its establishment donated about 525,000 bags valued at GH¢16.8 million, Ehunabobrim Prah Agyensaim VI, Chairman of the Foundation has disclosed.

Nana Prah Agyensaim VI, who was speaking at the GCF Northern Sector Awards last week in Kumasi, said for 16 years now, the Foundation has provided free cement to support the development of key infrastructure in the health and educational sectors of the country’s economy.

About 5,000 communities have benefitted so far.

The GCF annually gives cement to the institutions across the country grouped into southern and northern sectors as a support package for the institutions, which are currently undertaking various infrastructural projects.

The Northern Sector comprising Upper East, Upper West, Northern, Ashanti and Brong Ahafo were present at an event held last week in Kumasi to receive a total of 11,000 bags of cement valued at about GH¢330,000.

The southern sector made up of Western, Central, Eastern, Volta and Greater Accra Regions gathered a fortnight ago at a similar ceremony in Takoradi to receive a total of 14,000 bags valued at GH¢420,000.

The foundation approved a total of 25,000 bags to be distributed across the country this year.

Managing Director of GHACEM, Morten Gade, indicated the GCF forms a critical part in the company’s operation, and a key pillar that sets it poles apart from its competitors.

He said the company expects growth together with better sales volumes in the cement market.

“The macro economy is also moving in the right direction with reduced inflation and a relative stable currency. With the implementation of the right policies, the economy could grow even beyond the forecast 6.3% this year.”

GHACEM’s direct and indirect taxes to government in 2017 amounted to GH¢280 million, Mr Gade added.






