High Demand Forces Pregnant Women For Home Delivery In Bole

Pregnant women in the Bole District of the Northern Region prefer home birth delivery to going to the clinics and hospitals.

Information reaching DAILY GUIDE indicates that pregnant women within the area prefer home birth delivery because of the demands made by midwives in clinics and hospitals.

According to some pregnant women, they are forced to present items such as antiseptics Geisha soaps, toiletries and other items, and failure to provide them cause their detention.

They lamented that the midwives at the hospitals sometimes hit and unnecessarily shout at them as though they are children.

The women in Bole, however, stated that until the attitude of the nurses and midwives are changed, they will prefer delivering at home to hospitals.

A midwife who spoke on condition of anonymity said the items which are taken from the pregnant women are used to replace the items used on them during delivery.

During a planned home birth, a pregnant woman gives birth at home instead of a hospital or birth centre.

A pregnant woman will need to be assisted during labour and delivery by a knowledgeable person, and in most cases an elderly woman helps ensure the health and safety of the baby and the mother.

The absence of such care could cause a lot of complications, both to the baby and the mother.

The Bole District Health Director, Lizzy Tigaa, told DAILY GUIDE that she has not received any complaints of that sort yet.

According to her, it is illegal for nurses and midwives at the health facilities to be demanding for such items from pregnant women.

“I have made it clear to nurses and midwives that they are not supposed to collect anything from mothers,” she underscored.

She, however, assured that the situation will be investigated by her office.

 FROM Eric Kombat, Bole

