I Fight Referees Always …TT Brothers

Isaac Tetteh

The recent Tiger Eye PI documentary, code named #12 on the alleged corrupt practices in football has stirred Uncle T United FC president, Isaac Tetteh (TT brothers) to react.

Tetteh, a crusader for anti corruption in the game (bribing of referees) wondered why it has taken so long a time to act on the canker that has crept into the football fabric.

He has constantly granted interviews slamming referees for poor officiating of matches involving his Division One side, and to him, that explains their ten-year stint in the lower Division.

Few seasons ago, he held a press conference in Tema to address the menace, and after much talk, the frustrated Uncle T United, then Pure Joy FC, were ignored.

To him, it has taken too long a time for authorities to act on the matter that has negatively affected the country’s passion-football.

He told this writer in an interview “Kofi, you know I have always complained about officiating in our game; it is appalling, but my complaints over the years have been in vain.

“Why must it take us this long to come to this realization. I saw this years ago, I complained, yet nothing was done about it, it is unfortunate and sad.

“I don’t see the sense in paying my players, management and technical team and go ahead and pay referees. If I should pay a referee to officiate my game then, there is no need paying the team, because he will get me the results. I kicked against the idea of paying referees, so some decided officiate against me.

“Why should one person decide the fate of a game after spending so much on preparations for the game? With the current happenings, I think I can breathe now.”

Some referees were captured in the video receiving various sums of monies believed to be bribes intended to influence results of various matches including Hearts and Kotoko.


By Kofi Owusu Aduonum
