KMA Assembly Members Chase Kojo Bonsu

Members of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) have asked the former Metropolitan Chief Executive (MCE), Kojo Bonsu, to move out of the assembly’s bungalow with immediate effect.

The aggrieved assembly members have expressed disappointment over why the former mayor is still occupying the building and doing his party’s bidding at the same time, three months after his resignation from office.

Nana Prempeh, assembly member for Fankyenebra electoral area who is the secretary for the KMA, speaking on Kapital Radio yesterday, said the former mayor “has no right to occupy the residence. It has passed three months.., I feel ashamed for him. Does it mean that he has no house in Kumasi?”

He added, “Get me right: he is staying there championing the agenda of the NDC. I’m not here to do politics but we all know he has launched a programme, ‘eighty days campaign tour of the Ashanti Region,’ he and AfrifaYamoah Ponko. Afrifa Yamoah Ponko is staying in his own residence going out to campaign for his party. I don’t have a problem with it, but how can you stay in our residence for the assembly to pay the bills?”
