Lawrence Tetteh To Hold Mammoth Crusade At Mantse Agbonaa

Rev. Dr. Lawrence Tetteh


Evangelist and President of the Worldwide Miracle Outreach (WMO), Rev. Dr. Lawrence Tetteh, is set to hold a mammoth crusade at James town, popularly refered to as Mantse Agbonaa from Wednesday September 13 to Friday September 15, 2023.

Speaking at a media interaction in Accra, Rev. Dr. Lawrence Tetteh said the crusade is aimed at collaborating with churches in the Odododiodio area to preach unity, peaceful co-existence to the less privileged members of the community while providing other support to improve their livelihoods.

He said, “I am of the view that most of us that God has blessed in diverse ways and are indigenes of our various communities must endeavour to take up the challenge and the responsibility to support our brothers who are less privileged in education, welfare and development that will help boost  or people’s way of life”.

According to him, the 3-Day crusade and prayer rally would also bring together religious leaders, worshippers, traditional leaders, opinion leaders, politicians among others who are stakeholders in resolving the challenges facing the Ga communities.

He said many of the challenges that the country faces especially in the area of education that has derailed the economic progress of the country could be addressed if religious leaders collectively work together.

“The lack of education in our communities has created a big vacuum in our developmental process and we hope that this gathering will encourage us to see the need to be educated and to become godly minded.

In the midst of all these, our religious leadership is not doing enough on our lack of spirituality, our faith is diminished and the community is been led astray. We are becoming more materialistic and political instead of being spiritual.

He therefore believes that such a platform would provide the platform for people from all walks of life to seek the face of God for the Ga state.

By Ebenezer K. Amponsah