Mampong MP Alleges ‘Sex For Marks’

THE MEMBER of Parliament (MP) for Asante Mampong, Kwaku Ampratwum-Sarpong, has dropped a bombshell about a sex for marks scandal at the Mampong Nursing and Midwifery College.

According to him, although the teachers at the college convince some of the students into engaging in sex for marks, the victims never get what they were promised in the end.

“Let me tell you this, some of the male teachers lure some of the female students to have sex with them, with a promise of helping them with marks to enable them to pass their examination,” Ampratwum-Sarpong openly alleged.

Speaking in an interview with Kofi Asante of Akoma FM, he noted that the teachers could not fulfill their part of the agreement “because the education system will not allow the teachers to freely offer marks to the female students.”

The Mampong MP, who was commenting about the alleged mass failure of students of the school during a recent examination, lamented that the school had endured a lot of rot and gargantuan problems for some time now.

For instance, he alleged that some of the teachers also charged the already failed students GH¢500 in order to help them to pass their terminal examination but the system prevent them from doing so.

According to him, some opinion leaders in the community also sell protocol admissions to students for GH¢3,000 each, saying “these opinion leaders will beg the school for protocol slots which they later sell for GH¢3,000 and above.”

The Mampong MP also said a private hostel operator in Mampong charged students GH¢800, whilst the school’s accommodation facility, which needed some facelift to meet the acceptable standards, was virtually neglected.

Mr. Ampratwum-Sarpong said a new principal of the school has become a victim of attacks and victimisation after she (principal) initiated moves to stop the rot and save the school.

“The principal has refurbished the school’s hostel, which now charges the students about GH¢200 as against the GH¢800 charged by the private hostels and tutors who have stayed in the school for over 20 years, have now been transferred by the MOH.

“This principal, from the look of things, has a good heart and plans to stop the rot and transform the school, but in the process of carrying out her good works, she has stepped on some toes, who have planned to sabotage her,” he disclosed.

According to the lawmaker, reports that some students of the school were planning to stage a demonstration after failing their examination, were part of the plans of some hidden faces to frustrate and distract the school’s principal.

“We recently had a meeting with the students who failed their examination and we told them to write their concerns to the school’s academic board for redress so where from the sudden threats and calls for demonstrations?” he quizzed.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi


