Marshallans Condemn Homosexuality

Knight Sir Kt. Bro. Ambrose Akyebe Yennah

The Knights of Marshall, a Catholic grouping, has stated that the rights of homosexuals do not include the “right of a man to marry a man or a woman to marry a woman.”

It, therefore, said the society would continue to condemn acts of homosexuality that are at variance with the teaching of the Catholic Church.

A communiqué issued at the end of the Standing Committee meeting of the Knights of Marshall in Sekondi, further called on all Catholics to intensify the education of their children on issues relating to their upbringing, especially on sex and sexuality.

The communiqué, signed by the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Marshall, Sir Kt. Bro. Ambrose Akyebe Yennah, also appealed to Catholics to respect their marriage vows in line with the oaths they undertook during their nuptial ceremony.

It pledged to adopt proactive measures to protect children from vices that undermine parenting and societal norms.

It called for the strengthening of state institutions in the fight against environmental pollution and degradation that had serious effects on various sectors of the economy, Mother Earth and climate change.

The communiqué advocated the enforcement of laws on the environment and natural resources and called on individual parishes, schools and communities to take up the task of protecting the environment, as well as enhancing renewable energy and efficiency measures.

It called for the avoidance of unsustainable mining and processing practices by illegal small-scale miners (galamseyers) which have the potential of causing further degradation to the country’s environment.

It reminded Ghanaians that their responsibility as God’s stewards implied that they are morally accountable to Him for safeguarding the environment (Gen.1:28, Gen. 2:15)

