Mind Your Own Business

It was the late President John Evans Atta Mills who once remarked ‘dzi wo fie asem’ to wit ‘mind your own business’. It was one of his many witty reactions to those he thought were prying into matters which did not concern them.

Today, we are constrained to apply the same standard for his party faithful who are relishing what hardly concerns them. Although political parties are, by all standards, public entities whose management should be of concern to all citizens, certain aspects are restricted. When the president decides to abide by his party’s constitution as a good citizen and party person, shouldn’t he rather be commended instead of the kind of insinuations and innuendos being peddled by the NDC?

One of the fallouts from the now comatose Otiko/Bugri altercation was a heightened demand by the NDC for a probe of the allegation about the murder of the late Adam Mahama of the Upper East Region branch of the NPP.

It is interesting how a desperate political party can seek to make capital out of nothing. Anyway, Bugri Naabu has since regretted his outburst blaming it all on a high dose of adrenalin secretion as has the lady with whom he traded verbal blows. The NDC is asking for a probe into the allegation by Bugri Naabu about who killed the late Adam Mahama in Bolgatanga.

Since the NDC have trust in the ability of probes to bring out the truth in every matter, it stands to reason that the Mills’ death issue must be subjected to a similar standard.

We have observed the rather loud silence on the part of the NDC since many demands cropped up for a medical probe into the cause of the death of the former president.

It is a demand which continues to agitate the minds of many Ghanaians and would to do so until a closure is given to the subject.

The occasional allusion to the subject by incensed NDC top personalities has made the importance of such a probe even more critical.

We recall one of such persons casting aspersions which suggested that the late President Mills died through unnatural causes. Although the man was ill at the time of his sudden death, we would continue to stand by those who have asked for an autopsy report.

His brother Dr. Cadman Mills’ double tongue pushes further the need for such an autopsy. We recall his first statement suggesting an obvious cause of his brother’s death. This position changed with the electoral ouster of the NDC to which he belonged. His new position joined the chorus for a probe into what killed his brother – no longer holding on to a known cause of death.

When such an albatross hangs around the neck of those who should be fielding related questions, the last thing they should get involved in are such tongue flips from their political opponents.

The manner in which the former president died and the circumstances surrounding this occurrence are as bizarre as they were at the time he yielded up the ghost as they are today.

We are gradually getting close to the bridge and when we do, there we shall surely cross it. The conduct of some overzealous NDC activists who are unable to get over their defeat only expedites the trip to the bridge we dare state.


