Nana Appoints 2 New Envoys

President Akufo-Addo with Jane Gasu-Aheto (left) and Gloria Opoku

President Akufo-Addo yesterday presented letters of credence to Ghana’s Ambassadors to Senegal and Guinea.

The new envoys are Gloria Opoku and Jane Gasu-Aheto, who would head Ghana’s embassies in Senegal and Guinea respectively.

The oaths of allegiance, office and secrecy were administered to the two career diplomats.

The President charged them to safeguard and promote the image and interests of Ghana at all times.

President Akufo-Addo urged them to be mindful of the fact that they represent a country noted for its stability, democracy, respect for individual liberties, human rights and the principles of democratic accountability.

He tasked them to jealously guard the image of Ghana and promote Ghana both economically and socially.

The President further charged them to strengthen cordial relations with the professional foreign service officers at their duty post, saying, “They have invaluable experience and knowledge of the terrain which should help you work effectively. You will need their assistance, and they will need your guidance and leadership.”

He also asked them to establish good rapport with Ghanaian nationals who would be vital to their work in the countries, noting, “They will be counting and looking up to you to champion not only our nation’s interests, but theirs as well. Do your best not to disappoint them.”

President Akufo-Addo said Ghana has good bilateral relations with Senegal and Guinea, and asked them to look for new ways to boost the ties between the nations.

He told them to design their initiatives in accordance with the ‘Ghana Beyond Aid’ vision saying, “Ghanaians have placed their hopes of a better life in us…we cannot disappoint them.”

Mrs Aheto, on behalf of her colleague, expressed appreciation to the President for reposing confidence in them and pledged to work to deepen the relations between Ghana and Senegal and Guinea, which occupy a special place in the scheme of things in the ECOWAS region.

Earlier, the President received the credentials of the ambassadors of Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia and Ukraine.

By Charles Takyi-Boadu, Presidential Correspondent
