NPP Shakes Kwahu With Health Walk


Over one hundred thousand supporters and sympathizers of the ruling New Patriotic Party, NPP, on Saturday joined the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to embark on a historic Health Walk-in Kwahu as part of the Easter celebration.

The party members mostly from the 33 constituencies in the region were clad in the party’s colours and paraphernalia and danced to blazing brass bands and ‘game songs’ as the procession passed through the various streets to their destination point.
The mega health walk which took off from Kwahu Bepong and ended at Mpraeso was on the theme: “Let’s arise and build Ghana together (Nehemiah 2;18) saw numerous of the NPP Members holding placards bearing inscriptions such as “It is possible to break the 8”, “Unity is key”, “No more dumsor”, “One constituency”, “One ambulance”, Teacher trainees allowance paid”, “I am for Dr. Bawumia because of the universal or code payment system”, and “NPP is the best” among others.

At Mpreaso – Kwahu where a mini durbar was held, the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia urged the party members to rally behind the government to preach the good policies, it has implemented.

Notable among the members of the ruling party, who joined the walk were; the General Secretary of the party, Justin Koduah Frimpong; Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh-Dompreh; the Eastern Regional Minister, Seth Kwame Acheampong; National Organiser of the party, Henry Nana Boakye also known as Nana B.

The rest are; Deputy Minister for Tourism, Mark Okraku-Mantey; Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the GTA, Akwasi Agyeman; and several Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Chief Executives across the country who took part in the health walk.

The Kwahu Easter celebration which has gained popularity drawn revelers from different parts of the world to the communities in the Kwahu enclave of the Eastern region.

BY Daniel Bampoe

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