Okorase JHS ‘Shitbombed’

One of the affected classrooms

Teachers and pupils of Okorase Methodist “A” JHS in the Akuapem North Municipal assembly woke up on Monday morning to the unpleasant spectacle of their classrooms smeared with human excreta.

The entire classrooms were filled with the stench making breathing difficult for the school authorities, pupils and residents around the school.

According to the head teacher of the school, Rose Asor Tabiri, the JHS 1 classroom was the worst hit.

The head teacher who was in a state of shock said, “I do not know who to suspect in this situation especially as we only see people pass by each day” she remarked.

She however mentioned that the corridors of the school have served as a rendezvous for a section of the people including smokers when school was not in session.

Miss Asor Tabiri added that in the past, they used to see condoms, panties and rags in the classrooms and school compounds.

The head teacher further indicated that the pupils were going to start their end of the year examinations on that fateful day but were unable to do so since they had to spend a considerable time to clear the mess.

She also said she had reported the case to the police and the Municipal Education Directorate who also dispatched a team of personnel to the school to assess the situation.

Miss Asor Tabiri appealed to corporate institutions to assist the school to fix the windows and doors to avoid the recurrence of the incongruity.

Meanwhile the teachers have threatened to close down the school until the doors and windows were fixed adding that a fence wall should be constructed around the school to ensure the safety of life and property.

By Solomon Ofori
