Senate Passes Prez Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Covid19 Relief Plan

US President, Joe Biden’s Coronavirus Relief Plan has been passed.

The $1.9 trillion Relief Plan was passed on Saturday night, March 6, 2021, after about 12 hours trying to get one Democrat to back the Plan.

After a 12-hour struggle to get one Democrat support Biden’s plan, the plan was passed on 50 to 49 vote.

The voting process was largely on party line.

In a televised address from the White House on Saturday afternoon, March 6, 2021, President Biden praised the passage of the plan.

The American President spoke about the widespread public support his plan received.

According to him, “by passing this plan, we’ll have proved that this government, this democracy, can still work. It has to be done. It will improve people’s lives.”

By Melvin Tarlue
