Volta North To Get Stable Power

Delali Oklu

Volta Regional General Manager of Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Ing Delali Oklu has disclosed that plans are underway to ensure reliable power supply to communities in the northern part of the Volta Region.

He said the Company is working with the Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCO) to get additional bulk supply point at Kadjebi to supplement the one at Kpando.

“Together with the Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCO), we are close to completing an ultra modern bulk supply point at Kadjebi, which will divide the current travel distance from Kpando, by more than half. This will not only improve the voltage levels of electricity supplied to customers, but it will also improve the quality of power supplied to our customers”.

He made the disclosure when he interacted with opinion leaders including chiefs and security heads in the Krachi East Municipality on the unstable supply of power and low voltage currently being experienced in Jasikan, Dambai and Nkwanta areas.

Ing Delali Oklu said the current situation has come about because there is just a bulk supply point at Kpando which supplies power to the whole of  Volta North, saying,  the “cables travel through thick forests and over very long distances before power reaches their destinations.”

Meanwhile, the Regional ECG Boss bemoaned activities of lumbers that have resulted in the loss of several wooden poles and revealed that contracts have been awarded to change wooden poles in areas that the Company has identified as hotspots for bushfires in the region, to steel tubular poles.

He however, hinted of plans to fall on traditional leaders and massive public education to sensitize residents on the negative effects of uncontrolled bushfires and tree felling activities.

Fred Duodu, Ho (k.duodu@yahoo.com)

