Woman Arrested For Selling Baby Boy


The police have arrested a 35-year-old mother of six at Nkotompo near Sekondi in the Western Region for allegedly selling her two-week-old baby boy for GH¢300.

However, other sources indicated that when the mother, whose name was given as Mena Efua, was interrogated by the police, she mentioned that the amount was GH¢3,000.

DAILY GUIDE has also gathered that the female intermediary who arranged with the mother to sell the baby to the buyer has also been arrested by the police, but her identity has not been revealed.

An elder sister of the mother named Maame Esi, who claimed she helped with the delivery, narrated that the baby her younger sister purportedly sold was her sixth child.

She said two weeks after delivery, her younger sister’s newborn baby mysteriously got missing.

“I helped my younger sister to deliver at home but after two weeks, she claimed that the baby was nowhere to be found,” she said.

“I confronted her one day to speak the truth and it was then that she admitted to selling the child, but refused to reveal the buyer’s identity,” Maame Esi indicated.

She continued that later, the younger sister alleged that a nurse arranged to get someone to buy her baby after complaining to the nurse that she did not have money to take care of the baby.

“She later told us that there was no nurse involved in the whole saga and that the one who allegedly bought the baby boy was in Accra,” Maame Esi said.

She said unfortunately, the younger sister claimed she could not lead the family to the exact place where the alleged buyer lived in Accra.

She stated, “In our desperate efforts to find the baby, we reported the case to the Sekondi Police and we were later referred to the Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU)”.

Asked where the father of the baby boy was, Maame Esi said unfortunately, her younger sister never introduced the father to the family members.

“She had six children but three passed on. She was not staying with their father and went in for another man,” she said.

“So as we speak, we do not know the father of the baby. It’s a disgrace. We initially gathered that her first born who is a female and about 16 years knows the whereabouts of the baby, and we want the police to investigate that,” she indicated.


From Emmanuel Opoku, Takoradi
