‘Work For Peace’

Alhaji Mohammed Awal Shuarb, Takoradi Chief Imam leads the worshippers in prayers

The Western Regional Minister, Paul Evans Aidoo, has called on all Muslims to pray and work for peace in the country before, during and after this year’s general election.

He noted that peace was a vital ingredient for the survival of any nation and its people and appealed to all to work towards it.

He has, therefore, appealed to Muslims all over Ghana to set good examples by living in peace with one another.

Hon Aidoo said this at a prayer service at the Takoradi Jubilee Park to climax this year’s Eid Ul Fitr in the Sekondi – Takoradi Metropolis.

Eid Ul Fitr is celebrated by Muslims to mark the end of Ramadan and denotes the end of a whole month of spiritual cleansing for Muslims.

Hundreds of Muslim worshippers, mostly clad in white apparels, gathered at the Jubilee Park in their numbers to pray.

Led by the Takoradi Chief Imam, Sheik Mohammed Awal Shuarb, the worshippers prayed for the nation and its leadership.

They also prayed for all the political parties and their flagbearers as well as all parliamentary aspirants in the 2016 generally election.

The Regional Minister urged Muslims to let virtues they acquired during the period of Ramadan reflect in their everyday lives.

Sheik Mohammed Awal Shuarb, the Takoradi Imam, noted that the 30-day fast was meant for both spiritual and physical reasons, adding, “Let us not forget that cheerful almsgiving is an essential part of the Muslim religion.”

He explained that fasting was an opportunity to develop endurance and self-restraint to control anger and foul language “so that you may attain God-consciousness.”

The Western Regional Organiser of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mohammed Abdul Ganiyu, extended the party’s fraternal greetings of peace and blessings to the Muslim community in the metropolis.

He called on his colleague Muslims to continue to pray for the peace and prosperity of the nation.

The Regional NPP Organiser and the Regional Secretary of the party, Charles Bissue, donated GH¢1,000 on behalf of the party in the region to the Muslims towards the celebration.

From Emmanuel Opoku, Takoradi
