Ga Mantse Calls For Unity

King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II in a joyous mood with Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Pix by Nii Adjei Mensahfio


The Ga Mantse, King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II, has urged chiefs in the Ga state to work together in unity to facilitate development.

He contends that the Ga state cannot attain its rightful position in Ghana unless it is united and has a common goal.

“Where are the chiefs of La, Nungua, Teshie, Osu and others? You heard what the Asantehene said – unity. We must all have one interest, the people of Ga state,” he asserted.

At a grand durbar held yesterday in Accra in honour of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Ga Mantse also called for peace before, during and after the December 7 presidential and parliamentary elections.

The durbar is part of a series of activities commemorating the Asante King’s recent historic visit, which first occurred in 1946.

“Ghana should be the winner,” King Tackie said, and continued that Ghana, as a beacon of democracy, ought to maintain that enviable status among the comity of nations on the African continent and even beyond.

He expressed profound appreciation to the Asantehene on behalf of all Ga chiefs for the august visit and the gesture.

He indicated that the healthy relationship between the Ga and Asante states will be jealously guided to ensure that it “grows from strength to strength.”

The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II earlier called on all chiefs of the Ga state to unite solidly behind King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II.

“Unity and development must be our focus in the interest of our children and posterity,” Otumfuo said.

“The focus of modern chieftaincy should be on development and no more conquering new territories. The fight now should be for development in the interest of the posterity,” he stressed.

“I appreciate your presence during my 25th anniversary celebration. You showed love. This is a reciprocal gesture,” Otumfuo added.

By Nii Adjei Mensahfio and