2023 Hajj Process Chart Released


The Ghana Hajj Board Secretariat has released a step-by-step chart explaining the process of Hajj 2023.

Farouk Hamza, the Executive Secretary of the Ghana Hajj Board Secretariat, explained that this novelty is intended to make intending pilgrims grasp the ABC of the process.

For first-timers, lack of knowledge of the process can create challenges even though agents and other intervention exist to assist.

The 18-step chart begins with registration, payment, visa processing, ID card issuance, and bag distribution. It further illustrates the arrival in Madina, Makkah, and Mina. The rest of the chart outlines preparations for the pilgrims’ return to Ghana.

Speaking on the novelty, the Executive Secretary noted that the most profound characteristic of the chart is how it explicitly outlines the dates for various activities, especially the travel dates. This, according to him, is specifically useful to prospective pilgrims working in the formal sector to enable them to schedule their leave to suit the Hajj period.

According to the chart, airlifting of pilgrims from Ghana begins on June 9 and ends on June 21, 2023, the return trips commencing on July 9 and ending on July 20, 2023.

Prospective pilgrims and the general public are entreated to visit the Facebook page of the Ghana Hajj Board at “pilgrims Affairs Office of Ghana” to get a copy of the chart as it appears alongside this story.

The chart is yet another novelty introduced to make things easy for prospective pilgrims, the other being the Ghana Hajj App with which prospective pilgrims are not only able to do online payment but read updates on the Hajj.

The deadline for the payment of the Hajj package of $6500 or GH¢75,000 has been extended to May 22, 2023 following calls for such an extension.

Prospective pilgrims have been advised by the Board to deal with only the accredited 42 agents.


By A.R. Gomda