ZEISS Launches ‘Pitch To Start’

Global investment giant, ZEISS Investments, has launched its entrepreneurship programme dubbed, ‘Pitch to start.’

The programme, which is part of the company’s commitment to give back to society, is aimed at providing students and fresh graduates with funding for their business ideas.

From 15th October 2018 to 31st January 2019 prospective applicants would get the opportunity to apply to the scheme.

The applicants would enter competition after which three applicants with the best business ideas and pitches would be selected to win seed funds totaling GH¢100,000 plus managerial support.

According to the company’s country representative, Issah Abdulai Afugu, the best way to support the society is to provide funding for young businesses so that they can grow to become big corporations who would in turn employ their colleagues in a bid to reduce unemployment.

“We believe in the potential of young people and their unending abilities, and we believe instead of giving out gifts, we should focus on providing them with support to start and grow their ideas into businesses that end up becoming huge corporate,” he said.

ZEISS believes in teaching a man to fish rather than giving him fish, and this is evident in the manner in which the company runs all its investments across the world, Mr Afugu said.

Students and fresh graduates have been advised to follow the programme on social media and the website for details.
