Bosomin Gets Queen Mother

Nana Acquah Odzi Asempa sitting in state

A colourful ceremony has been held at Kwamankese Traditional Council in the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese (AAK) District of the Central Region to swear in Nana Kwabiew Acquah Odzi Asempa III as the Queen Mother of Bosomin and the Maaworeheneba of Kwamankese Traditional Council.

The queen mother is known in private life as Victoria Love Aidoo and was based in the United State of America (USA).

The queen mother was carried in a palanquin amidst drumming and dancing through the principal streets of Ayeldu and the crowd later converged at the traditional council where the ceremony took place.

Speaking at the ceremony, the Paramount Chief of Kwamankese Traditional Area, Okakaben Idun Andoh X said the area was lagging behind in terms of development due to the high rate of chieftaincy disputes in the area which had scared away many potential investors to the area.

This, he said, has led to the high unemployment situation among youth.

He therefore called for unity among the indigenes to ensure the development of the community.

He charged parents to send their children to school to reduce the high rate of teenage pregnancy in the area, charging that the traditional council would deal drastically with any parent whose teenage daughter gets pregnant.

A renowned lawyer, Kwamena Ato Amponsah Dadzie indicated that the area would continue to be impoverished if the people in the area do not unite for the better.

He stated that the area had a lot of lands which can be used to set up businesses, promising to come with investors to set up businesses if peace is maintained in the area.

Swearing an oath of allegiance to both the council and the paramount queen mother Nana Ekuwa Eyimah III, Nana Acquah Odzi Asempa pledged to use her connections to bring on board innovative ideas to champion the development of the area.

From Sarah Afful, Ayeldu
