My Husband Best Choice – Appeatu’s Wife Remarks

IGP David Asante-Apeatu

Mrs. Tina Serwaa Asante-Apeatu last Sunday drew a spontaneous applause when she told President Akufo-Addo that he made the right choice when he settled on her husband; a man she said is both compassionate and fair.

Ghanaians, she said, would soon know the good qualities of her husband which she has known for the past 21 years.

She was giving a vote of thanks after an evening of classical music rendered by the Wind Orchestra of the Ghana Police Service at his official residence after an earlier induction service at the Police Church in Accra.

Having married the man who is now the IGP when he was a DSP she attested to his good attributes of which she and their children have been beneficiaries immensely.

One of their children whose remarks were recorded from her foreign base extolled her father’s caring nature and particularly recalled what he used to tell them when they were kids that “if your goals do not scare you then they are not big enough.” She prayed for her dad’s progress “God grant you your heart’s desires.”

The voices of his children were surprises in the programme line-up which the organizers kept away from him until Sunday’s social activity dubbed “Evening With David”.

The arrival of the President and his wife Rebecca Akufo-Addo added an exciting flavor to the event which had people from all walks attending from Royals like the Okyehene to the Aburihene and diplomats.

The host, IGP David Asante-Apeatu in his brief remarks expressed gratitude to his guests whom he said he cherishes profoundly.

For lovers of classical music – they had lots to cherish about the evening as the Wind Orchestra of the Ghana Police Service rendered evergreen works like Colonel Buggie and a Ghanaian musician’s rendition of movements from Handel’s Messiah.

It was not surprising that the IGP chose to have a wind orchestra grace the evening he being a known lover of the works of the Masters.

By A.R. Gomda


