Adumasa Gets Queen

The queen mother of Adumasa

The chiefs and people of Adumasa in the Akwamu Fie Traditional Area of the Eastern Region outdoored 31-year-old Dinah Agbayizah as queen mother at a colourful ceremony over the weekend.

The installation of Mrs Agbayizah, whose stool name is Nana Afua Ampofo Braketu Serwaa I, was performed by the chiefs and elders of Akwamu – Fie.

The ceremony was supervised by Nana Ansah Kwao I, the chief of Adumasa, who said that queen mothers were assisting in the socio-economic development of the community.

The ceremony, which started as early as 7am, saw both traditional and Christian traditions, as the chiefs of the traditional area showcased their rich and diverse culture.

The beating of the drums complemented the music performance by the Culture Dancing Groups, which attracted the traditional authorities, opinion leaders, politicians, tourists and the clergy, among others, to the dancing floor.

In her speech, Nana Afua Ampofo Braketu Serwaa I said she would use her position to advance education, especially that of the girl-child, to prevent them from migrating to the cities in search of non-existent jobs.

“I will also work hand-in-hand with the traditional authorities and district assemblies to improve health and sanitation to ensure healthy lives for the development of the area,” she added.

The ceremony was attended by personalities such Sammy Awuku, the National Youth Organiser of the ruling New Patriotic Party, who is the board chairman of Youth Employment Agency (YEA) and classmate of the newly installed queen mother, Georgina Opoku-Amankwah, a Deputy Electoral Commissioner, among other traditional rulers from other communities.

Nana Afua Serwaa was born on 18th April, 1986 to Opanin James Kwame Agbayizah of Ziope in the Volta Region and Awo Akosua Siawaa of Adumasa.

She started her elementary school at Gospel International at Madina and proceeded to Elim Cluster of Schools to complete her Junior Secondary School (JHS).

She continued to the Aburi Girls Secondary School in 2001 and completed in 2004.

In 2005, she continued her tertiary education at the University of Ghana, Legon and obtained Bachelor of Fine Arts and completed in May 2009.

The new Adumasa queen mother pursued her Masters of Philosophy in Applied Theatre with specialization in Theatre for Development at the University of Ghana while serving as a graduate assistant at the Institute of African Studies.

She is married with a child.


Ahead of her installation on Monday, the royals and Asafo groups from Akwamufie stormed the Institute of African Studies (IAS) to transport Nana Serwaa to Adumasa for the installation.

The young lady, who is an MPhil student and teaching assistant working with Professor Daniel Kodzo Avorgbedor, Head of Music, Art and Culture Department, fled to hid in the professor`s office upon seeing her people.

For over one hour, the royals and Asafo group sang various Akwamu war songs until every member of the Institute, including the Director of the Institute, Professor Dzodzi Tsikata, came out to observe the process.

After an hour, Prof Avorgbedor encouraged his student to come out. The people received her graciously and poured libation.

The new queen mother was ushered into a car while members of the Asafo company sang and danced to entertain themselves.

From Daniel Bampoe, Akosombo





