Okuapemhemaa Breaks Silence On New Chief

Nana Afua Nketia Obuo II

The queen mother of the Akuapem Traditional Area in the Eastern Region, Nana Afua Nketia Obuo II, on Tuesday held a press conference at Akropong to state her position in the ongoing tussle over who should become the paramount chief of the traditional area.

Speaking on behalf of the Okuapehemaa during a media briefing at Akropong, the Akyeamehene, Nana Aduna, affirmed the nomination of Odehye Kwasi Akuffo, known in private circles as Joe Farrel, as the person to succeed Oseadeyo Addo Dankwa II, who ruled for 41 years until his demise a couple of years ago.

Other chiefs who were present at the press conference included Nana Kwasi Omenako II, Akuapem Asonahene; Nana  Kwao Kutruku, Akuapem Frankatuhene; Nana Okromansa Amoah, Akuapem Twafohene and Nana Obeng Kumi, Mamfe Mankrado.

“There was a vetting process of the Okuaphene–elect.. Once the Okuapehemaa officially mentions the name of the nominee, the Okuapehene Akyeamehene, in the company of the Asona elders, is sent as leader of a delegation to present the nominee to the Asonahene. The Oupehemaa after extensive consultations, nominated Odehye Akuffo to occupy the stool,” Nana Aduna said.

“Thereafter, Okuapenhene’s Akyeamehene leads the chief-elect to meet with Ankobeahene who is the leader of the Okuapehene’s advisors. The Ankobeahene then hands the nominee to Gyasefo in front of the Okuapenhene’s palace where some rituals take place,” Nana Aduna explained.

He said while the process is going on, the Adumhene slaughters a ram and thereafter, the nominee is escorted by his elders, for a period of confinement at Mogyawee, in Adum.

Nana Aduna said, “So far the above process has duly been observed but it was delayed because when the procession got closer to the Krontihene’s palace, it was met with throwing of stones and bottles and we are still putting things in place to outdoor the chief-elect very soon,”


Okyenhene’s Intervention

In the ensuing controversy, President of the Eastern Regional House of Chiefs and paramount chief of the Akyem Abuakwa Traditional Area, Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin II, warned those behind the unrest at Akuapem to respect the customs or be dealt with in accordance with the law.

According to the Okyenhene, the kingmakers and all who matter in the installation of a new paramount chief for the Akwapim area must stay within the boundaries of the customs and traditions in order to select the rightful person to occupy the vacant seat.

Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin said the process of installation has clearly been spelt out in the customary laws which cannot be infringed upon by any individual, adding, “The kingmakers must remain resolute and stay within the powers of choosing and installing the rightful person, but not the interest of any individuals.

“We have done this before and have done it severally and we all know how chiefs are installed, I want the people of Akuapem to respect our customary laws because we don’t need another chieftaincy dispute in Eastern Region,” he cautioned, adding that “Kingmakers are kingmakers and they are going to report to us who they have selected to be installed as chief.”

Nana Kwasi Omenako II said there was adequate security and explained that the rituals relating to the selection process went successfully.

He said it was after they had left the palace that some chiefs – like Nana Yaw Afari Bampoe, Bamuhene; Nana Osim Kwatia, Amanokromhene and others – took Nana Kwadwo Kesse through another ritual after which they broke into the Omanhene’s palace and forcibly took over the place and asked Kwadwo Kesse to occupy the living room normally used by the Omanhene, until the police drove them out of the palace.

From Daniel Bampoe, Akropong
