50 Teenage Mothers Back To School

Some of the mothers with their children

Obaapa Development Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), is offering more than 50 teenage mothers in the Ashanti Region the opportunity to go back to school.

The Teenage Mothers Back to School Project (TMBSP) aims to break the cycle of poverty that affects teenage mothers and discourage motherhood at a young age.

The beneficiaries were selected from Asante-Akyem South and North, Ejisu Juabeng, Atwima Kwanwoma and Afigya-Kwabre Districts.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Premier Productions Group, Nanahemaa Adjoa Awindor, who heads the NGO, said the underage mothers would have their school fees paid, where applicable, while they also enjoy free supply of school uniforms, books, bags, sandals and other accessories.

She stated that the NGO intends to empower teenage mothers and make them realise their ambitions and aspirations without hindrance.

According to her, TMBSP is in line with the initiative of the girl-child education programme of the Atwima Kwanwoma District Education Office which began in 2013.

Nana Awindor indicated that they would replicate the programme across the country if the pilot one in the Ashanti Region becomes successful.

She disclosed that Obaapa Development Foundation would create awareness on child marriage and the consequences of dropping out of school.

From Ernest Kofi Adu, Kumasi







