Amidu GYEEDA Scandal Sworn In

Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu flanked by President Akufo-Addo and Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia

Even before he fully takes office as Special Prosecutor, the man whose unwavering desire to fight corruption has earned him the nickname Citizen Vigilante’ – Martin Alimisi Burns Kaiser Amidu – has served notice that he would consider no political colour or individual in the discharge of his duty.

This was when he took the formal oath of office as the Special Prosecutor at the Flagstaff House yesterday.

In a short acceptance speech, Mr Martin Amidu thanked President Akufo-Addo and the government and people of Ghana for the honour done him by reposing confidence in him to fight corruption, even though he is a key figure of the opposition National Democratic Party (NDC).

Mr Amidu stated, “Nobody has served me personally with any writ or statement of case or injunction challenging my nomination, approval and appointment so as to restrain me from accepting this appointment.”

That was in reaction to claims that his appointment had been challenged in court in respect of his age.

He could not but commended the president. “Your Excellency’s invitation to me to confirm my acceptance to be Special Prosecutor and my acceptance of the offer, demonstrate a fundamental democratic principle and belief to your credit that a few people have adhered to for the past 25 years…adversaries are not enemies and must collaborate for national development by putting Ghana first.”


He continued, “I would not have accepted to come to this job if I did not trust Your Excellency’s integrity and honour from our long years of association from opposite sides at the Bar,” he spoke highly of President Akufo-Addo. I will discharge the duties of the burdensome office you have entrusted to my care with similar integrity and honour, with your support and assistance.”

Mr Amidu underscored, “I assure you that the propaganda about witch-hunting will not daunt me from prosecuting all corruption crimes without reference to political considerations, as you have yourself admonished.”

He indicated, “Once a suspected offender is established by investigations to have committed offences prosecutable in the national interest, I will treat crime as crime and nothing else.”

“I will do my best to vindicate the trust that the whole nation put in me at my nomination and approval hearing.”

President’s Charge

Moments after the swearing-in, President Akufo-Addo alerted Citizen Vigilante, “The Ghanaian people expect the Office of the Special Prosecutor to rise to the occasion and collaborate with other existing law enforcement agencies to fight relentlessly, and help eliminate corruption in our public life.

“We expect the Special Prosecutor to discharge his duties vigorously, with courage, without fear or favour, ill-will or malice, in accordance with the rule of law.”

That, he said, was because “the establishment of this Office is for a high purpose, and must not, under any circumstances, be used as an avenue for persecution or vengeance.”

President Akufo-Addo articulated, “The Office will be required to do justice to all manner of persons,” whiles quoting a portion of former Supreme Court Judge, Justice Allan Brobbey’s book entitled, ‘Practice and Procedure In The Trial Courts and Tribunals of Ghana’ and reiterated the overriding duty of a prosecutor in the following words: “Always the principle holds that (the prosecutor) is concerned with justice first, justice second and conviction a very bad third.”

For him, “The overwhelming, popular acceptance by the good people of Ghana, and the strong consensus approval by parliament of Mr. Amidu’s nomination justify the confidence I repose in him. Indeed, his eloquence and grasp of issues, displayed to the public during his recent vetting, is further testimony of the soundness of his appointment.”

 By Charles Takyi-Boadu, Presidential Correspondent
