GRA Locks African Cargo Over GH¢2.3m Unpaid Tax

The Tema Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) has locked up the African Cargo Central Limited at the Tema Port for tax evasion.

The Clearing Agency Company defaulted in tax to the tune of GH¢2.3 million thus the action, the Chief Revenue Officer, Debt Management, Compliance and Enforcement Unit of GRA, Rev. John Boabeng said during the exercise.

The Authority, he said was compelled to lock up the clearing company after several unsuccessful attempts to get its managers to pay.

“Africa Cargo Central Limited owe the GRA GH¢2.3million [revealed] after an audit done between 2013 and 2016 with other VATs, the company’s income taxes and withholding taxes involved including PAYE,” he told Starr Business’ Osei Owusu Amankwaah during the exercise aimed at clamping down on tax evaders in the country.

He added that Africa Cargo Central Limited had been given several opportunities to pay its debt to the GRA, serving it a notice of tax liabilities and final demand notice which it failed to comply with.

“When the final demand notice came and he [owner of Africa Cargo] still had not responded we had to take a warrant to come and seal off the place,” said Rev. Boabeng.

