MAY IT be made known to Theresa May, the British Prime Minister that Ghanaians will never listen to her arrogant suggestions about homosexuality. Ghanaians are prepared to listen to only the voice of God.
As long as people, especially, those in developed nations want to engage in this shameful and perverse act (Homosexuality) they would find ways to justify it. But God never intended that man would have sex with his fellow man or woman with her fellow woman. It is interesting how some people always want to fight the wisdom of God.
In the beginning, God created man – Adam and Eve. God did create them in His own image; which explains the uniqueness and likeness of God in man. Man saw the beauty of the woman and described her as: “The bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” Notice that God did not create man and man but a man and a woman so they could reproduce, have dominion over everything He had created and subdue the earth.
God, the Creator, by His wisdom saw it fit for a man to relate happily with his wife in a legal union. And since creation, normal sexual relations between human beings and animals have always been between a male and a female.
History of Homosexuality
The first known appearance of homosexual in print is found in a 1869 German pamphlet by the Austrian-born novelist, Karl-Maria Kertbery, published anonymously, arguing against a Prussian anti-sodomy law. Although early writers also used the adjective homosexual to refer to any single-sex context, today, the term is used exclusively in reference to sexual attraction, activity and orientation.
Psychology was one of the first disciplines to study a homosexual orientation as a discrete phenomenon. The first attempts to classify homosexuality as a disease were made by the fledging European sexologist movement in the late 19th century. In 1952, when the American Psychiatric Association published its first Diagnostic and statistical manual of Mental Disorders, homosexuality was included as a disorder.
Lastly, the World Health Organization ICD – 9 (1977) listed homosexuality as a mental illness.
The word Homosexual is a Greek and Latin hybrid with the first element derived from Greek homos, “same” and the Latin word sexus, “sex”, thus connoting sexual acts and affections between members of the same sex including lesbianism. Homosexuals are otherwise called gays and lesbians. In Ghana, lesbianism is called ‘supism’, and gayism is called ‘chiikism’.
Today, these are commonly practiced amongst students, young adults and the elderly within society. Whilst lesbians mostly engage in oral sex, gays normally engage in oral or anal sex and other forms of sex perversion. However, it has to be made clear that God never created the anal passage as a channel for sex. That’s why those who abuse or misuse their anus for sexual activities in the name of money and wealth, have several health problems.
The word “lesbian” is derived from the name of the Greek Island, Lesbos, where the poet Sappho wrote largely about her emotional relationships with young women. It is a sexual intercourse between a woman and another woman. It is otherwise called female homosexuality. This act is also an abomination before God and punishable in hell fire, and the health challenges associated with it are many.
Sexual Orientation
Some homosexuals have developed the lame argument that they were created homosexuals. This theory seeks to suggest that homosexuality is a genetic problem that determines a person’s sexual orientation. It has to be made clear that the argument for the biological causality of homosexuality is a desperate attempt by homosexuals to justify their abominable and deviant lifestyle.
Indeed as long as people want to engage in this shameful and perverse act, they would find ways to justify it. Even in the animal kingdom we do not see a male cow, cat, dog or fowl having sex with a male counterpart or a female animal mating with another female. If even animals would not do that, how come human beings who have been created in the image of God would want to engage in that? We are to act more responsibly than animals.
Homosexuality attracts several health problems and diseases such as; OE – coli infections, amoebiasis, (it affects the intestine, liver and other tissues) anal cancer (frequent loose stools flecked with blood and mucus); haemorrhoids (otherwise known as piles – condition where blood vessels in and around the anus become swollen and inflamed) and cryptosporidiosis (intestinal illness caused by a microscopic parasite called cryptosporidium which spreads through the faecal and oral routes).
By Rev. Dr. Duncan Nuakoh