Alima Mahama Grabs Key To Little Rock

Hajia Alima Mahama receiving the key to the City of Little Rock, USA from Mayor Mark Stodola

Mark Stodola, the Mayor of the City of Little Rock, has handed over the key to the city to Hajia Mahama, Local Government and Rural Development Minister, making her an honorary citizen.

The honour was conferred on her after she delivered the keynote address at the 84th annual convention of Arkansas Municipal League on behalf of President Akufo-Addo.

President Akufo-Addo was invited as the special guest for the annual Arkansas Mayors’ Conference by the State Governor, Asa Hutchinson, when he met the Ghanaian leader in Washington DC in February at the National Governors Association meeting in February, 2018.

The President was the guest speaker at that meeting and received standing ovation from the governors, as well as other guests, prompting the invitation from Governor Asa Hutchinson.

Hajia Mahama led government delegation, including OB Amoah, her deputy, Dr Archibald Letsa, Volta Regional Minister, Nana Ato Arthur, Head of Local Government Service and some MPs on a five-day official visit to the State of Arkansas in the United States of America.

She said, “I am grateful to Mayor Stodola, Governor Hutchinson and the entire Sister Cities Protocol, for the honour to deliver the keynote address at this 84th Plenary General Assembly Convention of the Arkansas Municipal League.

“I would like to also express my heartfelt appreciation to the leadership for their kind hospitality and to the organisers of this event for the excellent arrangements made for our stay in this beautiful city of Little Rock,” she added.

A goodwill ambassador title of the State Arkansas Arkansas Traveler was earlier conferred on her.

It was presented by the Secretary of State for the State of Arkansas, Mark Martin in Little Rock.

Arkansas State is the home state of President Bill Clinton who was once its Governor.

The citation to the Local Government minister reads: “To all who shall see these presents, greetings: Know ye that the Governor of the State of Arkansas in the name and by the authorities of the people of said State as vested in him by the constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas, reposing special recognition for the distinguished accomplishments, does hereby appoint and commissioned Hon Hajia Alima Mahama as an Arkansas Traveler who is hereby authorized and commissioned to serve as an Ambassador of Goodwill from Arkansas to the people of other States, the people of nations beyond the borders of the United States or wherever this Ambassador  of Arkansas may hereafter travel or reside.”

By Fortune Alimi, Little Rock, USA
