NCA Commissions Type Approval Lab

Ursula Owusu-Ekuful assisted by Joe Anokye to cut the tape to symbolize the official opening of the lab

The National Communications Authority (NCA) has commissioned a type approval laboratory to test communications equipment imported into Ghana.

The laboratory based at Cantonments, Accra is to ensure compliance with international and Environmental Health and Safety Standards in electromagnetic radiation and emissions.

The laboratory is set to house four departments, which will each test electronic equipment to ensure they comply with the necessary safety requirements.

They are the Radio Frequency and Signal lab, EMF lab, Digital Terrestrial Television lab and the SAR lab.

They are to specialize in a specific area of technology testing to ensure that no local or imported equipment defies health standards.

Per the NCA Act 2008 (Act 769) Section 3 (n), the Authority is to certify and ensure the testing of communications equipment for compliance with standards.

Minister of Communications, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, in a remark on Wednesday in Accra, said the lab shall help reduce dumping of fake electronic products onto the Ghanaian market.

She also indicated that the Akufo-Addo administration is determined to extend telephone and internet connectivity to all parts of Ghana.

In attendance at the ceremony were captains of industry, Deputy Minister of Communications, George Andah and Director General of the NCA, Joe Anokye.

By Will Tierney & Melvin Tarlue


