TMA Considers Banning Night Street Jams

Felix Mensah Annan-La

THE METROPOLITAN Chief Executive (MCE) of the Tema Metropolitan Assembly (TMA), Mr. Felix Nii Mensah Annan-La, has said the Assembly is putting in measures to ban night street jams in order to fight crime in the metropolis.

According to him, the Assembly is also considering banning game centres because it is hampering basic education as children spend precious schooling hours at game centres, thereby affecting their academic performance.

In order to achieve this aim, the MCE said the assembly was considering recruiting more task force personnel to patrol some parts of the metropolis and ghettoes that have become the hideouts for drug peddlers and users.

He disclosed that his aim was to focus on deepening good administrative and economic governance and enhance public accountability as a means to maintain a stable and safe metropolis.

He believed that this would boost the confidence level of investors to invest in Tema.

Nii Annan-La said this at the First Ordinary Meeting of the Third Session of the 7th Assembly in Tema.

Tema is gradually gaining notoriety for drug users who often embark on their criminal activities during night street jams.

The MCE said the heightened nature of the illicit trade and use during night street jams needed to be halted immediately before the situation gets out of hand.

As a result, he said: “We would acquire two additional pickup vehicles to augment our fleet for patrol duties. These drug users and traders should not succeed in the metropolis.”

According to him, areas such as Site Two, Site 20 and the football fields in the metropolis are highly risky meeting points for anybody in the night, explaining that the white smoke that hangs in the air around these areas at night is like white snow that settles on trees in the winter; hence the need to close such centres.

Mr. Anang-La promised to assist the Tema Police with more logistics to chase criminals out of the area, as he is bent on giving Tema its past glory with his ‘Tema Restoration Agenda’.

From Vincent Kubi, Tema


