4 Nzema Communities Connected To National Grid


Four farming communities in the Gwira area in the Nzema East Municipality of the Western Region have been connected to the national grid.

The communities are Gwira Eshiem, Gwira Brodiem, Gwira Wiawso and Gwira Tumentu.

A Deputy Minister for Energy, William Owuraku Aidoo, who pressed the button to connect the communities to electricity, mentioned that the move is part of government’s commitment to connect some remote communities nationwide to electricity.

Most communities in the Gwira area of the Nzema East Municipality lack basic social amenities like electricity and water, coupled with a very terrible road network for decades, making it difficult for businesses to operate.

The deputy minister gave the assurance that the remaining communities in the Gwira area would soon be linked to the national grid.

He emphasized that access to electricity is a cardinal tool for development and added that it would bring along not only economic activities but enhance access to information and technology.

Mr. Owuraku Aidoo, therefore, entreated the people to make very good use of electricity.

He indicated that government has plans of connecting about 1,200 remote communities in the country to the national grid.

He charged the people to avoid illegal connections since it is dangerous and that perpetrators could face the law when caught.

Mr. Owuraku Aidoo also admonished the constituents of Evalue-Ajomo-Gwira to continue to support the current government and the Member of Parliament (MP) for the area, Catherine Afeku, so that they could enjoy more developmental projects in the area.

For her part, Mrs. Afeku indicated that most of the communities in the Gwira area have never enjoyed electricity until now and urged the people to be grateful to the current government for connecting electricity to the area.

The lawmaker was very optimistic that jobs would be created and economic activities would boom now that there is electricity in the communities.

She pointed out that the initiative is part of government’s commitment to improve livelihoods in the area and stressed that the next budget would capture the construction of the Gwira roads.

She acknowledged the bad nature of the road, particularly from Simpa Junction to Gwira Eshiem and indicated that “the current president had visited the Gwira area on three consecutive times and knows the area very well. He knows our roads are not good and had vowed to help fix the roads.”

From Emmanuel Opoku, Gwira Eshiem

