A Leader Is A Gathering Point For People! – 2

Art Of Leadership By Dag Heward-Mills

A leader is someone who gathers people. He is, therefore, a gathering point for many people. Those who believe in the visions, the ideals, the aims and the goals of that particular will find themselves coming together to form his following. This makes him a rallying point for them all.

Here are many more ways a leader becomes a rallying point for many people:

  1. Let the conversation centre around others and what they are doing rather than yourself and what you are.

A leader must be conscious of the fact that it is vain to have self-centred conversations. If your conversations are all about yourself, your achievements, your vision, people will soon be tired of listening to you and move away.

  1. Be an encourager.

Always notice when somebody has made an effort to achieve something. Perhaps they sang a song or did a new hairstyle. Even if you didn’t like it, appreciate the effort that was made. There is no need to say that you didn’t like what they did. All you need to do is to notice the effort and appreciate it. Remember that for all of us, encouragement fuels us to do far better.

  1. Say ‘thank you’ for everything.

It is better for people to think that you are saying ‘thank you’ too often than for them to feel that you are ungrateful. Do not give the picture of being an ungrateful person. It really puts people off and they will go away from you.

  1. Smile.

People gravitate towards smiling and friendly people. We know that we are not perfect and so we do not need a stern, frowning person to remind us of our failings. People need someone to encourage them that in spite of their failings, they are accepted.

  1. Do not be partial.

One of the first things that people notice about leaders is when they are partial. The Bible says in the Book of James, Chapter 3 and verse 17, that it is not wise to be partial:

But the wisdom that is from above iswithout partiality…

Even little children notice when their parents are partial toward one child. No one wants to follow someone who is biased and partisan without cause. What about if you fall into his bad books without knowing it? It is difficult to live in a country where the head of state begins to dislike you because of unsubstantiated tales. It is difficult to work in an organization where the boss can begin to dislike you based on a new feeling he has. Do your best not to be partial!

  1. Whenever there is an opportunity, give a gift.

A gift makes room for a man.

“A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men”

Proverbs 18:16

This means that space is created within the person’s heart for you. You will be accepted and the person will like to stay around you.

  1. Mourn with people who are mourning.

Times of sorrow are some of the most remembered times in people’s lives. If you remember them during that period, they will never forget you. I have had people joining my church simply because I was by their side when their parents died. Let your genuine concern be communicated to those who mourn. It is a seed that will yield good fruit.

  1. Go the extra mile to help someone.

Whenever you help someone in need he remembers you. People see when you make the extra effort and it touches their hearts. When you ask them to rally around you for a cause, they will be there because they remember how you helped them. I assure you of this one thing: if you do not sow a seed of help in someone’s life, no one will help you in the future!

  1. Be friendly, greet people in a pleasant way.

Dear leader, be easy-going and be sociable. You should be able to shake hands, hug people, give a pat on the back, be affable and pleasant. Warmth is attractive. Note that a cold and crisp person is not a natural rallying point.

  1. Be concerned when listening to people’s problems.

When you are not really concerned, it shows. Body language accounts for the major part of communication. When listening to people’s problems, your facial expression must show deep concern and interest. Try to pick up the details and show that you are following the story.

  1. Notice when people are absent.

People are offended when they find out that you did not even notice when they were away. How can they be important to you if you do not even notice that they are absent? Be a leader who notices when people are absent.

These steps will make you a natural rallying point and a natural leader. Indeed, all of us must pray for such leaders all the time!

Culled from ‘The Art of Leadership’

