Prosperity awaits Ghana as President Akufo-Addo takes his Oath

A mixture of songs, playing with musical instrument accompaniments, in an environment of horses and their riders, with brimming streetlight, shone brilliantly in the precincts of Parliament the night before the investiture.

Standing tall and with hands high and akimbo, and sentry were giant mahogany trees painted from the base in the colours of red, yellow and green, the national colours of Ghana.

The cavaliers displayed their horse riding skills as drums throbbed and music played rhythmically in free style both in and out of a tent, which served as the Chamber of Parliament, with a very large sitting capacity for participants.

The hosts of the occasion, Legislators from the National Assembly, Ghana’s Parliament, had kept vigil on the eve of Thursday, January 7, 2021 electing a new Speaker for a new Parliament, his two deputies and swearing-in the legislators, some old and some new for a fresh four-year term.

Hurray, the Eight Parliament of the Fourth Republic was born one minute after midnight with drama and theatrics captured on the lenses of the paparazzi. Parliament became very beautiful, with brightly lit lights everywhere.

The well-manicured and watered lawns, with their lush was a sight to behold, but the gentle walk of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the Eighth President of the Fourth Republic of Ghana, on the red carpet before taking the national salute to be sworn into office, cannot defy attention.

When he arrived, the President, who was wearing a grey suit over a white shirt, was ushered into the parliamentary tent by the Speaker and former colleague, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, with the leadership of the Eight Parliament.

As he entered, the giant drums could not help congratulating him with heavy throbs as well as applause from his fellow African leaders assembled to witness his investiture and that of his Vice, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia.

When he was ushered in, Speaker Bagbin did not waste time to introduce the President-elect. Chief Justice Kwasi Aning Yeboah administered the Oath of Office, which the President took to defend the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana.

“I shall submit to the laws of the Republic of Ghana and suffer the penalty…’’ for going contrary, the Oath said in part, and all stood up to acknowledge the President for his pledge, amidst applause, especially by his better half, First Lady Rebecca Naa Okaikor Akufo-Addo.

He signed the Oath books, wore his nose marks and rested graciously on the State Seat.

President Akufo-Addo then took the State Sword in golden colour, and brandished the sword, to signify that it was not for nothing that he had been given the authority to lead the nation for the next four years.

The President in his inaugural address called for national unity for economic progress and prosperity. He gave the assurance of his government to close the infrastructural gap, with more road projects in this “second year of roads.”
To his African colleagues, they should all take advantage of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA) to boost intra-African trade.
On alcohol, the President said: “I gave up on alcohol many years ago,” but indicated that the “akpeteshie,” local gin, is a superlative product for the international market.

As the brass band music played outside after the investiture, with solders march synchronizing with the music, it was a call on celebrants to break from more than a day of strenuous activities.

With President Akufo-Addo and his Vice sworn-in, Speaker and his deputies sworn-in, MPs also sworn-in to take a one week rest, as Parliament stood adjourned till next week Friday, Ghana is on course to taking her democracy to the next level. God will bless not only Ghana but all humanity doing His will.
