One Gunned Down At Anum-Apapam Over Chieftaincy Dispute


A long-simmering chieftaincy dispute in Anum Apapam in the Ayensuano District of the Eastern Region, has boiled over into bloodshed, leaving one person dead and two others injured.

The tragic incident, which occurred on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, is the latest chapter in a protracted struggle for power and legitimacy that has plagued the community for years.

According to Assemblyman Takyi Ebenezer, the shooting was sparked by a rival faction’s attempt to assert its claim to the stool, following the recent passing of the area’s chief.

The traditional leaders’ move to enstool a new chief was met with fierce resistance, culminating in the deadly violence that erupted on Tuesday morning.

Eyewitnesses describe a scene of chaos and panic, with traders fleeing for their lives as gunshots rang out.

The Police swiftly intervened, restoring order and maintaining a heavy security presence in the area.

This latest incident is a stark reminder of the deep-seated tensions and rivalry that have long characterized the chieftaincy dispute in Anum Apapam.

The community has since been torn apart by competing claims and counter-claims, with each faction vying for control and legitimacy.

-BY Daniel Bampoe
